4 Signs Your Website is Ready for Chinese Customers


Customers are likely to purchase items on a website that has content written in their native language.

Although the preference of local language settings may differ from one country to another, Common Sense Advisory survey found out that “55% of the 3,002 respondents buy only at websites where information is presented in their language. For those with limited English, the preference for mother-tongue purchases increases to 80% or more.”

Meanwhile in other countries with more than half of the respondents favored purchases at properties in their languages, China has 54 percent in the record.

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Language unlocks the increase in sales and higher conversion rates on a website. However, most importantly, when a site features content in the native language of a specific market segment such as Chinese customers, three unique selling points stand out—functionality, optimal use, and conversion (sale of items).

By observing the Chinese websites of global companies, these examples serve as crucial takeaways that we can apply for your next website translation project.

websites for chinese customers

1 Specific details on localized payment methods

Louis Vuitton is not just selling luxury brands. A localized Chinese e-commerce website of the brand is also keen to explain in detail—written in Simplified Chinese—about the Payment Method. Alipay and WeChatPay are the two most popular mobile payments among Chinese customers. Instructions for bank transfer are also provided with step-by-step guide and verification of the customer’s identity in case they want to pick the item in the store.

how to attract chinese customers on website
Did you know China dominates the mobile payment industry with a record of US$12.8 trillion in transactions?

2 Technical content plus Chinese translation and localization

Tesla’s order now page for every unit comes with a price tag and translated texts in Chinese—line by line—and specifications were not spared. A website that genuinely conveys what the buyer needs, especially the information they need including payment terms and specs of the unit, is a delightful read for the customer.

The secret is to translate and localize the important content they need to know. To delight Chinese customers, it means providing everything they need before purchasing.

chinese translation quick wins
According to Common Sense Advisory, “The companies that translated information to communicate with and retain their partners were 2.67 times more likely to experience revenue increases. They were also 2.6 times more likely to generate improved profits.”

3 Intentional sign-ins and opt-ins with Chinese social media

Dior knows the importance of WeChat and Alipay integration into the Chinese website. Creating a new account or signing-in should be so easy for the shopper that it will only take a few seconds via QR code to login or access the account and even the shopping cart.

A customer can create a new account by filling in his mobile number, the most common and efficient way to opt-in a visitor. Global brands like Dior always consider that mobile and social media platforms are inseparable for Chinese customers.

Did you know Chinese customers are not keen on using email addresses for opt-ins? If you want to opt-in a customer, providing a form with his mobile number or integrating a WeChat QR code scan is a sure win. Almost everyone is using WeChat and scanning codes to subscribe on a website or e-commerce platform.


4 Contact Us or Support button is connected to WeChat

As one of the most famous luxury brands in China, Michael Kors is active online, pushing content on its Chinese social media channels such as Weibo, WeChat, Youku to make sure it stays connected to customers. One of the quick wins on its Chinese website is that the “Contact Us” button is visible on the top, and when a user hovers the mouse, a customer scans the code to speak to a “Fashion Consultant” on WeChat directly.

Did you know brands can take advantage of the WeChat messaging that allows them to chat or leave voice notes to customers directly? A QR code has many uses, and as an opt-in for support, this is an essential element on a Chinese website.

If you need help in creating a custom website translation and localization, click the banner below and contact the team for free consultation.

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