Video Translations From English into Chinese

Fast and accurate video translation service, including audiovisual transcription, captions translation, video subtitling, plus voice-overs and dubbing for Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese.

From the translation of texts to subtitling and dubbing in Mandarin and Cantonese, the unmatched quality comes with 99.9% accuracy, precision, and timing of voice-overs. Our Chinese subtitling linguists and professional Mandarin speakers and Cantonese speakers handle your videos and ensure your message is relevant to your viewers.

Chinese transcribers take charge of the text scripts. We translate the transcripts, add captions and subtitles in Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese. We work on the dubbing and voice-overs in our professional studio using state-of-the-art recording technologies.

Did you know, video SEO is 53 times more effective than traditional SEO? It’s 3 times more socially engaging Users hang out 5 times longer on websites with a video and they get 7 times more clicks than text ads. Let’s start working on your quality video translation in Chinese now!

We’re a team of professional studio manager, transcribers, translators, subtitle artists, captionists, voice talents and dedicated project managers. We bring you the highest level of quality and excellent deliverables of video/audio translation, transcription, captioning/subtitling, Chinese dubbing and Chinese voice-overs.

We are familiar with following types of work:

Personal Development

  • Training courses
  • E-learning courses
  • Educational programs on YouTube, Vimeo, and podcasts


  • Corporate introduction
  • Product or service introduction
  • Commercial ads
  • Training courses and eLearning courses
  • Corporate training


  • TV programs (especially on documentaries, tourism abd food shows)
  • TV series
  • TV shows, talk shows
  • Feature films, movies
  • Theater and drama
  • Animations
  • Games
  • Internet broadcasting: YouTube, Vimeo, and Netflix

Our Resources

Clarity is essential; brevity is gold. And we know that quick video translation in Chinese is what you need. All texts and graphics, crafted with diligence and sifted for consistency, we make sure your viewers capture the core of your message, subtitle by subtitle.

You will collaborate with native speaking transcribers with more than a decade of experience in multimedia translation in Chinese to ensure 99.99% accuracy on the transcription. Professional translators with specialization in various industries work together with voice talents and subtitle artists for video dubbing and captioning.

To avoid getting lost in the transcribing and translation process, we insist on separating the two to ensure the highest level of integrity in captions and subtitles. Our Quality Analyst (QA)’s stringency on video translations guarantees uncompromised deliverables ready for publication and syndication.

No sweat for you! After production, the team can also help you upload them on platforms like Youku, a homegrown equivalent of Google’s YouTube.

Let our professionals help you transcribe, translate, subtitle and dub your audiovisual content:

  • Uncompromised and highest quality
  • To be submitted on agreed deadline
  • In any language
  • In any format
  • Meeting all your requirements and
  • Just the way you wish

Delivery Formats

You can choose the format of the finished video translation you want to receive:

  • Translation in Word document
  • Translation in SRT or WebVTT format for online display
  • Translation captioned and embedded in video
  • Translation dubbed with Chinese voice-overs

How does it work?


Ask For a Quote

You may send us all the documents and video contents for a detailed quotation. We will offer you a solution that comes with fast delivery and low prices.


Approve by Paying

If you are satisfied with the solution and quotation, you may order it by paying. Once it's received, our project managers and language experts will take it from there.


Waiting For Updates

All you need to do is wait for it. For small projects, you may wait for 24 hours or less; for bigger projects, we will keep you posted on the progress.


Receive Translation

When the translation has been done and thoroughly checked for best visual effects, we will send you the translation. We will adjust it to your satisfaction.

Why Not Give Us a Try?

We save your time.

We save your money.

We make your life easier.