Multilingual Desktop Publishing (DTP)

AZ-Loc provides high-quality multilingual desktop publishing (DTP) service for all types of publications in any language. Our specialists love details and ensure that all documents are localized and designed – including fonts, line spacing, strokes, pagination – for your audience, yet maintain the identical layout and style of your document.

DTP work requires extensive knowledge of the local culture such as text direction (many mid-eastern languages are in right-to-left direction), taboos in layout for different cultures (Japanese don’t have italic fonts) and font faces that are widely acceptable in other languages. Our experienced and talented DTP specialists know the nooks and crannies of language, culture, and rules.

Our highly experienced multilingual desktop publishing specialists work with all of the most popular DTP programs for PC and Mac, including:

  • MS Office Suite: Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • InDesign
  • FrameMaker
  • PageMaker
  • QuarkXPress
  • PhotoShop
  • FreeHand
  • Illustrator and
  • Visio

You’ll be working with the most talented polyglots who can deliver final projects in many languages in PDF format. The deliverables are always ready for desktop publication (electronic version) and printing (print-ready with outlines and bleeding).

How does it work?


Ask For a Quote

You may send us all the documents and video contents for a detailed quotation. We will offer you a solution that comes with fast delivery and low prices.


Approve by Paying

If you are satisfied with the solution and quotation, you may order it by paying. Once it's received, our project managers and language experts will take it from there.


Waiting For Updates

All you need to do is wait for it. For small projects, you may wait for 24 hours or less; for bigger projects, we will keep you posted on the progress.


Receive Translation

When the translation has been done and thoroughly checked for best visual effects, we will send you the translation. We will adjust it to your satisfaction.

Why Not Give Us a Try?

We save your time.

We save your money.

We make your life easier.
