An Overview of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Translation Work


Mechanical engineering translation is one of the most challenging projects to handle. For a seasoned, professional translator, the most rewarding part is the final output.

Mechanical engineering is one of the essential fields in both academic and business. It has to do with machinery and mechanical equipment.

But it requires the collective work of specialists, masters, or experts in the translation process. The words and terminologies are complicated because of its specialized vocabulary.

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There are two ways to ensure the translation work isn’t compromised. First, the mechanical engineering translator should use the terminologies in the correct context. Second, he shouldn’t take the words literally during the translation process. Moreover, there is a host of other things-to-do and rules to make sure the document or manual delivers its purpose.

The professional mechanical engineering translator should know the nuts and bolts of the document. Whether it’s a technical report or a manual for a specific product.

He can make the process fast, efficient, and low cost. How? These three can help. If you’re a company who need to translate hundreds or thousands of pages, maybe this article will help you jumpstart the translation work with our team.

A mechanical engineering translator can make the process fast, efficient, and low cost. How? These three can help.

1. Save More: Use CAT Tool for Repetitive Words

One of the useful tools that professional translators can’t live without is the CAT Tool. The (Computer Assisted Translation) stores bilingual texts in pairs for future reference. It’s a software that has terms, phrases, and words, archived from previous projects.

Mechanical engineering translation uses a specific vocabulary. The CAT Tool can detect repetitive words and phrases and in return give you low rates for repetition.

For example, here at AZ-Loc, you only pay for the repetitions within the same batch of content at 10%. Did you know other agencies charge up to 30% as per industry rate? For mechanical engineering translation in Chinese, you can save a lot, especially for manual guides.

2. Third-Party Tools: Use Chinese Mechanical Engineering Translation Glossary

Not all translators can remember the terminologies and context of the phrases. So, they also use glossary, which is accessible to the internet. Depending on the project, other companies provide glossaries so translators can use them.

Other professional teams of translators have their glossary. They use it for the same company especially if they’re working with long-term projects. Keep in mind that these are supplemental tools but not the only means for translation.

Example of these glossaries are: item Industrietechnik GmbH, which supports German to English. dictindustry and Electropedia support several languages, except Chinese.

3. Squeeze the Brain Cells: Analyse, Translate, Follow Correct Chinese Grammar Rules

Nothing beats the human touch, or to be more specific, the human mind. In mechanical engineering translation, the translators will encounter long, complicated, complex sentences. Moreover, the only way to translate them with accuracy is to divide those sentences in chunks or into parts.

The translator can break up the whole sentence and analyze it and translate each part. The CAT Tool and glossaries are helpful in this process, too. Once they figured out the idea, they rearrange these parts and turn it into a sentence. This time, re-arrange it in ways that follow the Chinese grammar or expressions.

The English version may have a passive voice to explain the operation and process. When translated into Chinese, these structures and expressions should also reflect the accuracy of the original or source texts.

Do you find this thought-leadership piece article helpful? Do you need help in mechanical engineering translation? Feel free to contact us or grab this Chinese New Year promo to get you started on your goals this year.

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